What Can Love Create

What Can Love Create

Good Love to you all on this lovely day. I Love you. Love you. I Love you.

Tools for life.

What Can Love Create?

Love can Create Wholeness within, therefore creating Wholeness without.

Love can behold all conditions to stand tall in the midst of all adversity.

Love can heal Dis-ease. When in a state of discomfort and dis-empowerment love can renew and rejuvenate.

Love can and will change the outcome of a relationship. Whether a past experience or a present relationship.

Love can energize. Love can electrify our Souls to freedom.

Love Is. It is Wonderful on all levels.

Unconditional Love is the call of this time.

Love takes Responsibility.

Love Grows. Love Enhances. Love Reveals. Love generates a New.

Love is Power. Love is Care. Love is Forgiveness. Love is Gratitude.

Love is to Be. Love is to Have. Love is to Be. Love is to Understand.

Love is Patience. Love is Compassion. Love is Passion. Love is Honesty.

Love is to Honor. Love is Authenticity. Love is to Listen. Love is to Evolve.

Love is to Love, is to be, is to Love. Love is to Respect.

Love is to be Generous. Love is to Give. Love is to Share. Love is to Receive.

Love is Beauty. Love is to Build. Love is to Gather. Love is to rejoice into Oneness.

Love is two hands Together. Love is many hands Together.

Love is to Look. Love is to look beyond the shadows of the Ego. Love is to look Carefully.

Love is to look at the God within each and every person. Love is to Release all judgments.

Love is to be. Love is to love oneself. Love Is. Love just gets Better and Better.

Love creates Prosperity, Abundance, Opulence, and Wealth.

Love creates Health. Love is very Personal. Love is Within. Love is Detached. Love simply Is.

Love is what it Is. And what is, Is so delicious. So special.

So how else can we define or explain Love?

Well, Love Unites one with oneself and with others. Love reunites one with God, The Universe, and all that there is. Love is Nature. Love is the Trees, the Flowers, the Valleys, the Rivers, the Ocean, the Desert, the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Earth, all that is. Love is Animals. Love is the Birds. Love is in Form and out of Form. Love is.

Love is to Love, is to be, and simply accept and move on. Love is in the Present. Love is Inside Now.

What do you love? Whom do you love? Why do you love it? How do you love it?

Love is to be Creative. Love is to be Peaceful. Love is to be Joyful. Love is to be Calm. Love is to Be.

Oh, how wonderful it is to know that we are all Love in Form. We are all that IS. We are Great. We are just Right. We are Unique. We are part of God and the Universe. We blossom every moment as Love. We change every moment as thought as Love. We are Creators of Love.

I am grateful to be the presence of Divine Love in this Form and I am grateful to Love you as you are. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. Bless you. Love is a Blessing and many many Blessings.

Please feel free to share these Insights with all to Create and Unite a world of Love to Heal and Evolve. Remember you always have a choice.

May the love and light of God and the whole Universe surround, protect, and heal you, your loved ones, and the planet earth.


With Love, Gratitude, and Respect,

Michelle Morovaty

Truly, With God All Things Are Possible


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